Friday 5 December 2014


Yoga is the key to health, happiness and longevity. Through yoga we can repair all the damaged organs of the body and brighten our mind. Yoga helps to build our physical and moral character.

We can do yogic asanas regularly to maintain body in perfect health and free from various diseases .The number of asanas is around 84,00000, according to Hindu mythology .  Hindus believe that only the Lord Krishna, the creator of yogic asanas, is acquainted with all of them.  One who performs yogic postures regularly  with devotion acquires supernatural powers.

Let us see how to do some simple yogic asanas which can be practiced daily.


Sit erect with legs outstretched in front and joined together.
Keep the palms on the ground beside the thighs.
Slowly bend the right leg at the knee.
Bring the right leg under the right buttock.
Then fold the left leg likewise by first shifting the body weight on the already bent right lower leg.
Adjust the heels with soles facing upwards to form a seat.
The toes may be placed one before the other or slightly apart.
Keep the spine erect and the palms on the knees.
Close your eyes or concentrate on the bridge of the nose.
Breathing will become slower and deeper.
Maintain the meditative pose as long as it may be comfortable.
Advantages :

Vajrasana ensures a stable spine and rich supply of blood to the pelvic region, and exerts beneficial effects on the sex organs.

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